The New Horácká multifunctional arena for Jihlava city

15. 05.


GEMO a.s. will build the new Horácká multifunctional arena (HMA) in Jihlava, that will be used not only for hockey but also for other sports and the cultural events, for 1,9 billion CZK. The demolition will begin during the summer and the entire project will be completed in 26 months from the construction start.

On the 12th of May 2023 the Mayor of Jihlava Petr Ryška and the GEMO owner signed the contract for the new Horácká multifunctional arena construction. So, there shouldn’t be any obstacles. “I firmly believe, we will continue, no radical complications will occur,” the Mayor said. After the archaeological research, the demolition work will start and will take 3 months according to the assumption. Subsequently the construction of the new arena will begin and should be completed in the autumn 2025 considering the schedule.

The new hockey hall will provide the facilities for the HC Dukla Jihlava hockey club, which currently trains in Pelhřimov and Jindřichův Hradec. The new hall can bring the chance to continue their famous past and try to comeback to the extraliga.